12 May 2021

What documents are necessary to sell a property in Spain?

Published in Real estate

Gathering together all the necessary documentation in order to be prepared when we receive the right offer on our property is one of the steps in the process of selling.

Gathering together all the necessary documentation in order to be prepared when we receive the right offer on our property is one of the steps in the process of selling.

So as not to be caught off-guard, the following is a list of all the documents you will need to compile in order to sell a property:

  • A nota simple, which is requested at the Land Registry. Although it is the buyer who is interested in requesting this information to verify property ownership and that it does not have charges or embargoes, it’s useful for the seller to ensure that all the information is correct.
  • The energy efficiency certificate, which is a mandatory document not only for the property sale, but also to advertise the property. It is where the energy consumption of the house is stated.
  • The habitability certificate, which certifies that the property meets the requirements of health, hygiene and habitability, and which is compulsory in Catalonia in order to sell a property.
  • The deed of sale of the property to be sold.
  • The DNI of the seller.
  • All the documents that confirm that the property is free of charges, among others: the receipt of the paid IBI, the most recently paid utility bills, the certificate of being up to date on payment with the community, and the certificate of zero debt – which is requested from our bank and is obligatory if the housing has been paid for, since it certifies the cancellation of the mortgage loan in the Registry of the Property.

Additional documents

It is also important to have the plans of the property to hand, not only to include them in the advertisement of the property but also in case a buyer asks for them, as well as the statutes of the community of owners.
If the property is more than 50 years old, it is also necessary to include the certificate of the Technical Inspection of Buildings (ITE).

In Lasose Properties & Investments we help you throughout the whole process, so that you have all the necessary documents for the sale and you can carry out the transaction with peace in mind.

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