02 Dec 2020

All the documentation you need to buy your future home

Published in Real estate

One of the doubts that always arises when buying a home is knowing what documents are needed to make the purchase, because if you don’t want to miss a chance to buy, it is best to be prepared and have all the necessary paperwork to hand so that the sale can go ahead as soon as possible.

One of the doubts that always arises when buying a home is knowing what documents are needed to make the purchase, because if you don’t want to miss a chance to buy, it is best to be prepared and have all the necessary paperwork to hand so that the sale can go ahead as soon as possible.

From Lasose Properties & Investments we list all the documents you need to buy your future home:

Buying a second home

  • You have to ask for a simple note from the Land Registry, this paper is very important because it states the name of the owner and if the house contains within it any charge.
  • You need to obtain a certificate of energy efficiency from the seller, which is an official and obligatory document that specifies the energy consumption of the home.
  • You will also need documents that certify that the owner is up to date with all payments, which includes the latest bills for supplies, the certificate showing they are up to date with the payments of the community bills, and the last receipt of the IBI paid.

If the home you are buying is new you will need other documentation

  • The developer will need to provide you with the building licence, the certificate of completion of the work and the licence of first occupation.
  • In addition to this you will need the certificate of habitability that guarantees that the home is completely habitable, and you will also need, as in the case of the second home, the energy efficiency certificate.
  • It is also important that you take out a ten-year insurance policy, which is a specific type of insurance for new homes, in case there are any hidden defects or construction flaws in the building.

In the event that you are going to buy a new home still under construction

  • It is essential to ask the developer for both the building licence and the Land Registry registration, as well as the certificate from the Commercial Registry, with which all the company’s information can be checked.
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