07 Jul 2021

Guide to getting your second home ready for the summer season

Published in Real estate

The pandemic we’ve been going though this past year has meant that there are many people who have not been able to travel to their summer residences to get them ready for summer. To make things easier for you, from Lasose Properties & Investments we’ve created this guide to help you prepare your second residence for the summer season.

The pandemic we’ve been going though this past year has meant that there are many people who have not been able to travel to their summer residences to get them ready for summer. To make things easier for you, from Lasose Properties & Investments we’ve created this guide to help you prepare your second residence for the summer season.

Check the general state of the facilities

This is one of the first things to check, as lack of use and/or inclement weather may have caused damage of some kind. To do this, it is important to check that the doors and windows still open and close properly, as well as the blinds, and also to clean the air conditioning filters. It is also a good idea to check that all the lights are working and, if there is outdoor space, to check that we have adequate lighting so that we can spend summer nights out in the relative cool.

Carry out a thorough cleaning

After being closed for so long, the house will a need a good airing and a thorough cleaning of all the rooms, including the fridge and freezer. Check for damp and any bugs or pests, and if there is outside space, check the condition of the lawn and plants, as well as the swimming pool.

Check the furniture

While we are cleaning, it is advisable to check all the furniture in the house, both inside and outside, to see if we need to replace any items, such as the sofa, crockery or any electrical appliances.

Updating the decor

If it is an older residence, and even more so after a year in disuse, updating the decor can help to give a new lease of life to your second home.
The most important thing to go after in these cases is comfort and convenience, as these homes are used for short stays during the year, so it is important that they are low maintenance and easy to clean.

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