21 Oct 2020

The video surveillance system in your home

Published in Barcelona, Real estate

From Lasose Properties & Investments we tell you what a video surveillance system at home consists of and what advantages it has.

More and more people are considering installing a video surveillance service in their home, the fact of being able to see at any time what is happening inside your home while you are away, and that you can connect through any computer, tablet or smartphone, provides a lot of security and tranquility.

From Lasose Properties & Investments we tell you what a video surveillance system at home consists of and what advantages it has.

The first thing you have to do if you decide to install a video surveillance system is to know the number of cameras you will need and the distance to the control recorder, in general a medium-sized house will need a team of two cameras, If you have a garage, you will have to install another one there taking into account the distance to the recorder.

The second step is to choose between IP or CCTV cameras.

IP cameras

IP cameras are webs cameras, and therefore they send signals over the Internet. This type of camera includes applications for detection of presence or recording of images. Among its advantages, we find:

  • That it is a simple system to install since it does not need wiring and its installation is cheaper.
  • Viewing captured images is quite simple and has a storage system, so no other device is required.

CCTV cameras

CCTV cameras are closed circuit television and the images are sent through a coaxial cable to the monitor, they can be recorded or supervised in real time by a qualified professional. It is one of the best systems to deter thieves.

Installing a video surveillance system allows you to be safe when you are not at home, and also not have to pay annual fees to a security company, but you can control what happens through any mobile device.

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