17 Feb 2021

Winter plants for your home

Published in Barcelona

At Lasose Properties & Investments we show you a selection of winter plants so that you can enjoy nature in your home even during these cold months, and even if you are an inexperienced gardener.

We always associate nature with times of the year when temperatures are much more pleasant, but the trend in decoration has for many years been to include nature in the home, even if you think it is complicated to keep plants indoors. At Lasose Properties & Investments we show you a selection of winter plants so that you can enjoy nature in your home even during these cold months, and even if you are an inexperienced gardener.

  • Persian violet or Alpine violet: a very hardy plant that flowers in winter.
  • Pansies: these are beautiful flowers, in many different colour combinations, which can be planted as individual plants or in flowerbeds to decorate paths or a terrace.
  • Hydrangeas: these also come in many colours and are the quintessential winter flowering plants.
  • Geraniums: again there are many varieties and colours, they look great in pots and can be hung on the wall to add a touch of colour.
  • Jasmine: a climbing plant that can be kept both in winter and in summer and that gives intimacy and warmth to any wall or wall, as well as being able to delight you with its wonderful aroma.

If you are good with plants, you can grow aromatic plants typical of this time of year, such as rosemary, thyme, lavender or mint, which can also help you to season your meals.

If you still don’t dare to have flowering plants at home, you can always opt for other types of plants such as cacti, which can be kept individually or mixed together. They come in many forms and are undoubtedly very hardy plants that are easy to maintain.

With this selection of hardy and adaptable plants you can make your terrace or the inside of your home look perfect in winter.

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